AFTA REFUND LETTER - 2024 version

Narelle Melhuish's profile image
Narelle Melhuish posted 20-07-2024 10:16


The attached refund letter was invaluable to us during Covid and we included it with every relevant refund correspondence. I still use it today for refunds because it beautifully explains the process and the agents role in securing refunds for our customers from airlines and suppliers, however much of it is no longer relevant. Eg the focus on Covid.

Is there an updated version of this available for agents? 

If not could one be created?

Nina Hedges's profile image
Nina Hedges

Hi Narelle

Thank you so much for reaching out to us via the Travel Exchange.

Yes, we will review this flyer and other pre-covid flyers and create a flyer for our members to use with their customers that explains the position of the travel intermediary and what this means in relation to refunds etc.

I will be back in touch once the document is finalised.

Thank you again

Narelle Melhuish's profile image
Narelle Melhuish

Hi @Nina Hedges,

Thanks for the update in July. Has any there been any progress with this<

Nina Hedges's profile image
Nina Hedges

Hi @Narelle Melhuish -   Thank you for reaching out.

I can confirm there has been progress and the flyer is currently with a graphic designer.

You will be the first to know once it is finalised I promise!